Port Hope is a municipality in Ontario, Canada, located in Southern Ontario about 109 km east of Toronto and about 159 km west of Kingston. It is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario (+43° 56' 54.96", -78° 17' 36.96"), at the west end of Northumberland County, and had a 2006 census population of 16,390. Port Hope's nearest urban neighbour (7 km to the east) is the Town of Cobourg, Ontario, whose 2006 census population was 18,210, while between them and surrounding Cobourg is the Township of Hamilton whose 2006 census population was 10,972. In 2001, the original Town amalgamated with Hope Township to form the Municipality of Port Hope; prior to that the Town's census population was listed as 11,718 while the Township's was 3,877.
Port Hope位于多伦多以东约100公里处。沿401号高速公路向东开,在第464号出口下来,看到第一个交通灯时右转,然后沿Molson St.一直开到Cavan St向右转,在这条小路上走不了多远,就在右手边看到一个小的停车场,还有一座水坝,这里就是观赏三文鱼回游的终点Corbett's Dam。
在水坝处看完三文鱼后,如果还觉得不过瘾,可以顺着Ganaraska River 方向一直向南开,在入湖口观赏,湖边有停车场,不过这里是钓鱼的比鱼还多,水也深,几乎看不见鱼群。