吃多了嗜睡,动物界的常理,这海狮(Sea Lions, 也有人叫加州海驴,叫声像呢)更是如此。好几个游人围着照相,那些胖人头也不抬,面子一点也不给。无奈之下,我就打了尖利的口哨,嘿,还真起点作用。 Nice days are rare here, sunny and peaceful.
Excellent for a nap, all day
Who is there?
Hear us snore
Hon, I thought I heard a whistle
I did, hey, you, knock it out
I'm really, really sleepy here, can't you see?
Your three inch lotus feet smell really good, hon
Sweet dreams (smack, smack)
Who was that, sweetie?
Another camera, yawn ...
I want a place to sleep, too
Move it, fatso!
I feel comfie lying next to them fat bodies
1, 2, 3, let's stretch out
No more whistling, you heard me?
本贴由[三公子]最后编辑于:2008-11-13 2:9:29 --- |