为了祝贺俺尊敬的石头老师荣任贴图掌门,俺翻箱倒柜、不辞辛苦地整了些小石子儿为石头掌门献上贺礼(参见拙帖【顶顶贴图】对小石子儿荣任《贴图》斑竹的一点不得不说的心里话…… (图))。可俺生来胆小怕事,不敢一稿两投,一P两秀。既然把礼物送给了石头老师,就不好意思再转送秀坛了。 虽然如此,这个悬而未决的一稿两投的矛盾近来一直在困扰着俺,使俺夜不得醒,昼不能寐,茶饭无香。 情急之下,俺终于运用俺浅薄的中国文化功底,毅然采用中庸之道,想出了一个两全其美之计: 把一个原创帖一分为二,一半送《贴图》,另一半贴《秀坛》。这样既拍了俺的老朋友石头老师的MP,同时又讨得了俺的顶头上司1234斑长的欢心,还免去了一稿两投之嫌。 Look,这就是俺们的博大精深的中国文化的精髓——中庸之道。 请注意看PP上岩石与登山者的比例,由此可看出小石子儿的块头有多大。 High On A Mountain by Del McCoury As I looked at the valleys down below They were green just as far as I could see. As my memory returned, oh how my heart did yearn for you and the day that used to be. High on a mountain oh, wind blowin' free Thinking about the days that used to be. High on a mountain oh, standin' all alone Wondering where the years of my life has flown. Oh I wonder if you ever think of me or if time has blotted out your memory. As I listen to the breeze, whisper gently through the trees I'll always cherish what you meant to me. High on a mountain oh, wind blowin' free Thinking about the days that used to be. High on a mountain oh, standin' all alone Wondering where the years of my life has flown.
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