首先解释一下pretty gay的意思。大家都知道gay是指“同志”或“男同性恋者”,但pretty gay在这里可不是说“潇洒的同性恋者”,而是一句不能广泛使用的口语,意思是“有点奇怪”或者“不太正常”。之所以“不能广泛使用”,因为其中含有“歧视”gay的成分,所以不是朋友之间,最好别用,免得找麻烦。 那么关于gay会有什么麻烦事呢? 首先在加拿大同性结婚是合法的。 其次看一则昨天的旧闻,我们省的,顺便翻译了一下: Same Sex Couple Argue Discrimination (同性夫妇反对歧视) January 31, 2007 (2007年1月31日)
The question of whether marriage commissioner's should perform all marriages, regardless of their personal beliefs is at question. (婚礼主持人是否应该主持各种婚礼,无论其个人信仰如何,这个问题正受到质疑。) A human rights tribunal is hearing the case of a same-sex couple who were refused a ceremony by Orville Nichols because of his religious beliefs. (人权委员会目前正在聆讯一起同性夫妇的案子。由于个人信仰关系,婚礼主持人Orville Nichols拒绝为他们主持婚礼仪式。)(注:在加拿大,婚礼主持人必须经过政府授权才能有资格。基督教反对同性婚姻。) They cannot be identified for legal reasons but the Regina male couple were married in the spring two years ago. (由于法律上(禁止公布)的原因,这对夫妇的名字还无法提供。这对Regina城的男性夫妇于两年前的春季完婚。) But when they first began planning, Orville Nichols refused to perform the ceremony stating it was against his religious beliefs. This caused great upset and devastation to the couple. (但是当他们开始筹备时,Orville Nichols 拒绝为他们主持婚礼,声称这与他的信仰相抵触。此事使这对夫妇极为沮丧,备受挫折。) Human Rights Commission lawyer, Janice Gingell, explains, given the role of a marriage commissioner, Mr Nichols beliefs shouldn't come into play. (人权委员会律师Janice Gingell解释说,既然被授权主持婚礼,Nichols先生就不应该将个人信仰带入工作中。) Mr Nichols has been a marriage commissioner since 1982. He did not simply tell the couple he was busy saying it would be a lie. (Nichols先生从1982年起开始主持婚礼。他当时并没有搪塞这对夫妇说他很忙,因为他认为那是在撒谎。) He has not stepped down as a marriage commissioner arguing he has done nothing wrong. (他并没有为此事辞职。他说,他没有做错任何事。) The hearing continues into Thursday and a judgement likely won't be made for a couple of months (此事的聆讯工作一直持续到本周二。在未来的两个月当中,做出裁决的可能性似乎不大。) 注:另一篇旧闻说当时Nichols先生将这对夫妇介绍给了另外一个愿意主持gay婚礼的人那里。 有意思吧!!!!!!这个案子持续两年了!!!!
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