204室有洛特雷克的《红磨坊(At the Moulin Rouge)》。205室正中央是修拉的《大碗岛的星期日下午 (SunaayAfternoononthelslandofLaGrandeJatte)》,这是一幅描绘悠闲的休憩风景的图画,花了近2年的时间完成。梵高的(阿尔的寝室(BexlroomatAries)),及塞尚的《苹果篮》是这两位画家的杰出作品。一旁还有毕加索年轻时的代表作《老吉他手(OldGuitarist)》。
Navy Pier芝加哥最美丽的地方,也是下班后远离城市喧嚣的好地方位。于在密西根湖旁,自1916年建造后,一直是芝加哥的地标。曾经是第二次世界大战用来训练海军及集会广场,也曾是伊利诺大学最初的临时校地,如今则是芝加哥最流行的娱乐广场。内有芝加哥著名的儿童博物馆(Chicago Children's Museum)、餐厅及浪漫露天咖啡厅。晚上时可登上摩天轮,欣赏湖上风光。
A proposal to build a new 115-story building by 2009 could give Chicago claim to having the first and second tallest skyscrapers in the country.
The 2,000-foot tower, proposed by Chicago developer Christopher Carley and designed by noted architect Santiago Calatrava, would go up along the city's lakefront near Navy Pier, northeast of the Loop.
The 110-floor Sears Tower is currently the nation's tallest building. Carley's building, minus its spire, would be 1,458 feet high -- taller than the Sears Tower by eight feet.
No financing for what would be a hotel and condo tower has yet been arranged and some rival developers say the proposal does not seem feasible.
If it is ever completed, the skyscraper would also surpass the height of New York's planned Freedom Tower, which would be 1,362 feet tall, plus a spire to stretch it to 1,776 feet. The Freedom Tower is expected to be completed in 2010.
The world's tallest building is currently the 1,670-foot Taipei 101 in Taiwan.
The proposed Chicago skyscraper, designed in a twisting shape like an enormous drill bit, is designed by the Spanish-born architect and engineer who designed the Milwaukee Art Museum addition and the Athens Olympic sports complex.
芝加哥 三日游
第一天 芝加哥的高层建筑让您感叹不已,观赏的话最好从市中心的北部开始。可以先看芝加哥艺术中心(Art Institute of Chicago)。如果本人对欣赏纯艺术感到有负担的话,可以去欣赏费尔德自然历史博物馆中的Baseball as America。还可以到唐人街或希腊街去感受一下当地的异国风情,不失为一个好的旅行计划。唐人街从I-55到Santa Fe铁路,位于Canal Street和Lake Shore Drive, 希腊街从I-290到I-90/94道路的西边,位于Madison Street和South Halsted Street。晚间可乘出租车到Uptown的Green Mill听爵士音乐。