Two numbers (not necessarily different) are chosen from the range of positive integers that are greater than 1 but not greater than 20. ONLY THE SUM is given to mathematician S. ONLY THE PRODUCT is given to mathematician P. On the telephone S says to P: "I see no way you can determine my sum." An hour later P calls back to say: "I know your sum." Later S calls P again to report: "Now I know your product." What are the two numbers? However later he changed the upper bound to 100 instead of 20 when he realized that there is no possible answer of this problem in [2, 20] range. 所以,题目(中文版)应该是: 两个数,a, b. 有两个优秀的数学家 p1 and p2. p1, p2事先不知道a, b的值, 只知道 2 <= a <= 100, 2 <= b <= 100 主持人告诉p1 a,b 之和(a+b) 告诉p2 a,b之积(a*b) 这时,p1 告诉p2,“你猜不出我得到的数值” 过一会儿, p2告诉p1,“我猜出了你的数值” 过一会儿 p1告诉p2, “我也知道你的数值” 请问,a, b 是什么数? 我也没有答案