I think it is true. The Russian mathematician Grigori Perelman, whose findings were presented to participants at a conference held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, on 17 June. I am not sure whether Grigori completely solved the problem. Since, I read "在美、俄等国科学家工作基础上,中山大学朱熹平教授和旅美数学家、清华大学兼职教授曹怀东已彻底证明了这一猜想。"
It took the two Chinese mathematicians half year to present their work and got confirmed by other mathematicians. "从去年9月底至今年3月,朱熹平和曹怀东应邀前往哈佛大学,以每星期3小时的时间——连续 20多个星期、共约70个小时——向包括哈佛大学数学系主任在内的5位数学家进行讲解,回答了专家们的一系列问题。"