
标题: [@};-]~旁~若~无~人~[@};-](图) [打印本页]

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2009-1-23 06:13
标题: [@};-]~旁~若~无~人~[@};-](图)

踏着政委的足迹吻得太逼真(图) 疏竹之风®
罗丹:Auguste Rodin (1840-1917)


Rodin's work 'Eternal Springtime' shows a passionate kiss between a rather dancing male figure and a kneeling female counterpart, lying in his arms. Like 'The Kiss', this sculpture is also an example of the great series of love couples of the 1880's and 1890's, including 'Fugit Amor' and 'The Eternal Idol'. In 1884, Rodin executed his work with the titles 'Zephyr and the Earth', 'Youth' and 'Ideal'. In 1898, when the group was exhibited at the Salon, it was called 'Cupid and Psyche'.



  本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2009-1-22 22:16:51  


  本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2009-1-22 22:22:29  


  本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2009-1-22 23:0:9  


作者: 三公子    时间: 2009-1-23 06:16
标题: 室内不好照[:-Q]



作者: aya    时间: 2009-1-23 06:16
标题: 旁若无人的沙发,坐下来,慢慢欣赏,o(∩_∩)o...哈哈


作者: aya    时间: 2009-1-23 06:17
标题: 还是公子快啊[:-Q]



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2009-1-23 06:18
标题: 还是罗丹的魅力无限[:-K]




作者: 三公子    时间: 2009-1-23 06:23
标题: 我应该等十秒,sorry[:P]



作者: aya    时间: 2009-1-23 06:32
标题: 就是嘛[:-K]



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2009-1-23 06:33
标题: 介绍(图)

Eternal Spring, also known as Eternal Springtime, probably modeled 1881, this marble executed 1906–7
Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917)
Marble; H. 28 in. (71.1 cm)
Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.184)

The torso of the woman in this group is recognizable as that of a model named Adèle Abruzzezzi. Rodin used it repeatedly, and it appears, for example, in a very different context in The Gates of Hell. Eternal Spring is in a lighter vein, however, full of awakening sensuality and implying neither guilt nor punishment to come. The sculpture was extremely popular, and Rodin repeated it often both in marble and in bronze. In 1898, he sold his plaster foundry models with the reproduction rights for this sculpture and its spiritual twin, The Kiss, to the firm of Ferdinand Barbedienne, the commercial foundry. This marble, commissioned from Rodin in 1906 and finished in March 1907, displays the sensuous, veiled quality of carving that creates an impressionistic play of light and shade on the surface of the medium characteristic of the marbles of Rodin's later career.



作者: 三公子    时间: 2009-1-23 06:33
标题: much obliged[:-Q]

  much obliged


作者: 大清太平    时间: 2009-1-23 06:43
标题: Rodin: The Kiss(图)







  本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2009-1-22 22:47:24  


  本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2009-1-22 22:52:8  


作者: 风过无痕    时间: 2009-1-23 07:32
标题: ~旁~若~无~人~ [@};-] ~请~勿~打~扰~[:)]

  ~旁~若~无~人~ ~请~勿~打~扰~

作者: 小石子儿    时间: 2009-1-23 10:01
标题: 都谁模仿来着,示范动作真不错![:-D]



作者: 大猫日记    时间: 2009-1-23 10:27
标题: 俺20多年前去过巴黎的罗丹博物馆。。好像至今保留了一本在那里买的画册,回去找找



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2009-1-24 03:28
标题: 体操动作,难度系数9.5[:-K]



作者: raindrops    时间: 2009-1-24 03:36
标题: ~旁~若~无~人~ [>:D<][>:D<][:-*][:-*]


0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;" src="http://upload.ddhw.cn/image/2009/03/16/52101.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" />

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2009-1-24 03:37
标题: shhhh。。。。(图)



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2009-1-24 03:39
标题: 那可有点历史哈



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2009-1-24 03:55
标题: 回复:~旁~若~无~人~(图)



作者: 燕子    时间: 2009-1-24 08:22
标题: 谢谢大清班好介绍,学习中~呵``[:-K][:-K]



  本贴由[燕子]最后编辑于:2009-1-24 0:22:29  


作者: 燕子    时间: 2009-1-24 08:23
标题: 旁~若~无~人~前后都有一朵花儿,嘿嘿。。[:-K][:-K][>:D<]



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2009-1-24 19:10
标题: 俺可是看懂意思了[:-K]




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