哈哈 --- |
海水真蓝!岸上是海带吗? --- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;" src="http://upload.ddhw.cn/image/2009/03/16/52101.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 俺的玉玺,关公所赠 好看不? |
海草(海带)被大浪弄折了,卷曲在岸上。 --- |
Good evening to you, too. --- |
常年都穿短裤;南加州有人衣橱里没有长裤子。个性各有千秋,谁也不学谁。 --- |
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beautiful and touching poem! great PPs! thanks for sharing, 三公子GG --- |
天哪,那海水也动了。 --- |
It's a beautiful day here by the Bay. Hope you are happy, too. --- |
忽然想到一首歌:想和你一起吹吹风临海听风感觉一定很棒的.多谢三公子分享美景 --- |
I didn't even know until I read Ange's post and searched ... |
以前写的比较晦涩一点,需要使劲体会。 这个按俺的水准,能看懂,能明白 前面几张略有曝光过度之嫌,后面要好。或者显示器亮度调节的较暗? 或者仁兄戴眼镜? --- |
I think most of my problems are the results of my ineptitude in editing, for I don't really know how to control the software. Besides, my eyes keep screaming: brighter, brighter!! --- |
--- 夏天过去了, 摘下帽子, 光头关公来也! |
天仙配(just kidding) 本贴由[三公子]最后编辑于:2008-11-10 15:16:45 --- |
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