以前不喜欢美式橄榄球,尤其不喜欢他们用football来形容这个运动。后来有个老美跟俺解释,americans like to watch people crush into each other.结果俺越发不喜欢。 不过看热闹俺喜欢,如果我去看,会只看观众。就像您这样。 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
for years. Boy, did I sweat and tense up duing those Super Bowl years? After riding some serious emotional roller-coaster, I'm finally free from that confining feeling. I was a bit crazy about all the big ball American sports, Baseball, Football, and Basketball. It was fun while it lasted. Now, I am just a casual fan, good gracious. 本贴由[三公子]最后编辑于:2008-9-30 3:17:52 --- |
还有不少空座位哈 一改"bleak"形象哈 --- |
等我把上百张照片理顺了,就开赛。 --- |
您还没见识拉拉队的热舞呢!曲子一般是进行曲战斗曲罗马斗牛曲(这是我乱编的),其中有一曲,Fight for California (为加利福尼亚而战?) 点此下载.... 本贴由[三公子]最后编辑于:2008-9-30 13:10:7 |
The seats were filled up by game time. Capacity 76,000 and the attendence was 63,000, for a weak opposition. Some of the block seats were reserved for the band. --- |
等您看到球是如何被踢,抢,夺的,您就甘心当官不当球了。 --- |
They resemble Gladiators. Still there are many injuries, such a bloody sport. --- |
--- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
小孩子们玩啊,吃啊,热闹一整天,pregame party, aftergame party. 也不知道输了咋办。 They call basketball and baseball a game; but football an event, 赶集一样,逢周六有集。 --- |
Their basketball is doing well, too. Waterpolo always champions, rugby excellent. --- |
than other activities associated with the game. In professional games, the tailgate party could be extravagant, my lord. --- |
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