Deion: Depending on their size, puffballs have been mistaken at a distance for everything from golf balls to sheep.
These round or pear-shaped mushrooms are almost always whitish, tan or gray and may or may not have a stalk-like base. The interior of a puffball is solid white at first, gradually turning yellow, then brown as the mushroom ages. Finally, the interior changes to a mass of dark, powdery spores, Size: 1" to 12" in diameter, sometimes larger.
When and Where: Late summer and fall; in lawns, open woods, pastures, barren areas. On soil or decaying wood.
Cautions: Each puffball should be sliced from top to bottom and the interior examined. It should be completely white and featureless inside, like a slice of white bread. There should be no trace of yellow or brown (which will spoil the flavor) and especially no sign of a developing mushroom with a stalk, gills and cap (see Poisonous Mushrooms). Amanitas, when young, can resemble small puffballs, but cutting them open will quickly resolve the question.
Cooking Hints: Remove outer skin if it is tough, then slice, dip in batter and fry.
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记得八年前刚开始发现了这种院子里长的蘑菇,引起了兴趣。正好邻居美国人是蘑菇爱好者,他对蘑菇很有研究。我们俩搬出他的蘑菇书看了半天,逐一对照,最终认定这是Puffball。自己也上网查了不少有关Puffball的质料。说是Puffball这类蘑菇可以食用。尽管很确信这是Puffball,头一次吃,百倍小心。只吃了一口,等了多日没事,以后慢慢地加大剂量。我吃这种蘑菇已有八年历史。 其实炒菜吃这种蘑菇太浓香,不大适合我的胃口。但是产的地方不一样,品种不同,老和年轻的Puffball,味道也不尽一样。我发现的这些味道不是很重,煮汤非常好喝。另外,外面那个硬皮如果太硬也应该去掉。今天我就是用那几个切开的几个较小的蘑菇煮的汤,觉得好喝的很。
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