--- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
离着棒还远远着呢。我这里12点了,今天不能熬夜,回头见。 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
第一张好像没有对上焦 拍夜景公路我觉得用偏振把路面反射的光偏掉会好一些,否则车少的时候路面太亮,灯的线条不明显。。。 还有S兄的UV好像是没有镀膜的?怎么吃光的时候一片糊。。。。 www.ddhw.org--- |
Olive Oil
俺属于凭经验瞎拍的那种。S兄和俺几乎同时买的d80,累积拍了多少了? 我的已经在年底的时候超过1万张了,5个月时间,日均60张!蜜月啊,哈哈 学习你的exif,最后2张,曝光补偿的目的何在,让色调更黑?这2张,自动白平衡还是设到白炽灯? --- |
Wiki 来的: The horned melon, also called melano, African horned cucumber or melon, jelly melon, hedged gourd, English tomato, or kiwano, is a vine of African origin, grown for its fruit, which looks like an oval melon with horns. Native only to the region of the Kalahari desert, it is now grown in California and New Zealand. When picked green and allowed to ripen to an orange color, the fruit tastes like a mix of cucumber and kiwifruit, and when fully ripe has an orange rind with spikes. The yellow-green flesh has a gelatinous consistency and contains whitish seeds similar to those of a cucumber. When picked fully ripe, it has a banana-like taste but when over-ripe it tastes similar to rotten tomato. Its construction is similar to passion fruit or pomegranates. |
这张如何?光圈大了一点。当时只能黑乎乎的手工聚焦。 有关UV,应该没有大问题。这里天气夜里潮湿阴冷,看着很干,实际上到处是薄薄的一层霜。冻得三脚架冰冷冰冷的。还可能是照的时候我鼻子里出来的寒气 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
所以我实际上自己拍的景色很少。刚刚开始学习而已。 那两张曝光补偿-1确实想要天黑下来。我不喜欢云层亮亮的。 两张白平衡都是白炽灯。 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
……为什么要拍这样黑乎乎的照片呢 你不觉得如果变下焦,让光亮多占些画面会好一些? www.ddhw.org--- |
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