中个彩票1等奖400万,不够啊 实话实说:还是prefer大腕的社区和笔兄的社区 这里的房子太大了,打扫起来颇为麻烦 本贴由[raindrops]最后编辑于:2007-5-26 1:45:59 --- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;" src="http://upload.ddhw.cn/image/2009/03/16/52101.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 俺的玉玺,关公所赠 好看不? |
问这个问题的原因是我的一个朋友生在英国长在南非,他对温哥华的房子很不屑一顾。对于他来说,水泥砖头的房子才能传世。而这里独立屋大多是木结构的,及时有砖头的也是表面上贴一层而已,很少有用烂不掉的材料建造的。而且房子价格对于房子本身的寿命来说在他眼里简直不可理喻。所以我想问问这里的百年老宅大多是什么结构的,他们的砖头是不是也只贴在脸上? --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
自己先去门口溜了一趟,地不大树很多,从外面转了一圈也没看到房子的脸。本来想约人去里面看看,后来想想没意思,又买不起,去看就是起哄一样。再听房子的历史,感觉这个房子风水不是很好,有点害人了。总之如果晚上我如果在里面溜达会很害怕。 Canada's largest house goes on sale B.C. mansion was a dot.com millionaire's unfulfilled dream
VANCOUVER -- The residence at 29444 58th Ave. in Abbotsford, B.C., is no plain farmhouse. It is, in fact, possibly Canada's biggest single-family residence, stretching 47,000 opulent square feet from a cathedral-like front entrance to a grand dining room, spacious conservatory and tunnel that leads out to a serpentine pool. Stretched out, the home's square-footage would cover more than half a CFL football field. And it can all be yours for a cool $9.9 million, said listing realtor Danny Evans with Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. in Langley, B.C. It's marketed as being perfect for an ultra-wealthy family or company looking for a private retreat nestled in the Fraser Valley farm belt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUST HOW BIG IS IT? The house has 10 bedrooms and covers a total of 47,000 sq. feet on a lot measuring 20 acres all for a cost of $9.9 million. The home contains a modest number of bedrooms, seven in the areas classed as the main house and coach house, with an additional three in the staff house. It also boasts five "engineering rooms" to manage state-of-the art heating systems and a backup generator. The main house, which includes the master bedroom, has a den, hydraulic elevator, breakfast room, morning room, sewing room, formal dining room with marble and Brazilian cherrywood foyer, billiard room, movie theatre and small library. At the top is a glassed in cupola with a grand view of Mount Baker in Washington State. "I've been selling 27 years in real estate, and never have I come close to (representing) a property like this," Evans said. The $9.9 million is a relative steal, according to Evans, representing a steep price reduction from the $12.5 million owner Donald Beaupre put it on the market for a little over a year ago. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That price also represents a substantial loss from the $15 million 77-year-old Beaupre, a retired telecom inventor and entrepreneur, poured into what was to be his dream home for he and his wife, as well as a family retreat for the families of their seven grown children. Beaupre, founder of the firm S.R. Telecom, bought the 20-acre farm property for $475,000 in 1992. In 1997 he started working full-time with architect John Anthony Lewis to build his grand vision. However, Beaupre was hit by deteriorating health as the project progressed. The owner is now too frail to continue with the project and wants to sell. Evans said there is still finishing work to be completed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
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不同看法,我刚好也在南非住过,南非的房子,特别是约堡的房子,看起来以砖为原料的很多,砖石建筑的和木建筑的相比虽然保存时间可能比较长一点,也不怕火灾;但是抗震强度很低,唐山大地震一震就倒的,大多是那种砖混建筑。日本在明治和大正年间也修了一些砖混建筑,但还是以木建筑为住,后来钢筋水泥的也非常多。木建筑和钢筋水泥的抗震性比砖混的高出许多,现在不断研究的结果,抗腐、抗虫、不燃性不断提高,木建筑的要百年甚至更长时间的保存,是没有什么问题的。 不过,对于倏忽而去的人生来说,这个好像是想管也管不了的问题。 本贴由[88tseb]最后编辑于:2007-5-26 11:42:21 |
腕兄,快去执行吧,不得有误 的确喜欢腕兄镜头下的小屋 温馨、浪漫而又恬静、闲适 快乐、惬意的生活情趣 --- |
揍是维修起来不舒服不浪漫 等着卖苦力掏票子吧 --- |
这里的一些开发商专门花大价钱在上好的社区买那些年久失修的房子,然后全部推倒重盖,再在原地上盖更大的房子,卖更大的价钱。与中国和有些国家不同的是,米国人买房子没有传宗接代的概念,甚至连房主自己都不确定要住多久。米国是个 on wheel 的国家,一般人平均5到7年就会换工作,成年子女都不会跟父母住在一起,他们会另择新居,大多数是在不同的城市和地区。 --- 顶顶大腕卧底 |
他们对房子周边的环境尤为注重。国内的房子只有墙内是自己的,所以绝大多数人只顾墙内,花大精力大价钱搞室内装修,对室外则关心甚少。另一重要原因是国内空气污染不堪,对房屋的外表侵蚀严重,所以几年下来房子的外表就显得陈旧不堪。最好的例子是在国内穿皮鞋每天都要擦,在米国一两周也擦不上一回。 --- 顶顶大腕卧底 |
只不过现在的木头房子和以前的不一样了,从结构上来讲,并没有过去的结识。研究过 2006 bc building code 以后发现虽然比98版的进步许多,但是实际上还是 minimum code sucks. 而且现在的房子里的 trust, joist 用的金属连接件强度我看都不够(也可能是无良工程师作祟)。而且木头的质量我感觉也不如以前好了。据说Grade标准是不一样的,我也不知道差别在哪里,只听说温西的百年老宅里面的木头质量相当好。但是,像你说的,木头结构肯定抗震比其他的好。我被那个南非人给问住了,说不服他。主要还是想让他买我的房子。 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
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