
标题: IBM 11月 [打印本页]

作者: constant    时间: 2005-11-1 23:56
标题: IBM 11月

This month's puzzle concerns random binary trees. Let p be a fixed parameter between 0 and 1. Starting with the complete infinite binary tree retain each edge randomly and independently with probability p. Our random binary tree is the portion connected to the root. So for example the binary tree consisting of the root alone will be selected with probability (1-p)**2 (ie when neither edge out of the root is retained). www.ddhw.com

Some of these random binary trees will contain an infinite number of vertices. Throw these out. Then we ask what is the expected number of vertices as a function of p of a random binary tree selected in this way. This is a problem for which it is possible to obtain the right answer in a non-rigorous way. We will not attempt to check the derivation of submitted solutions but you should think about what would be required to prove your answer rigorously.



作者: husonghu    时间: 2005-11-2 00:26
标题: [@};-][@};-]An issue for constant to think about..

You have been contributing nicely to this forum. 清儿 and I would like to invite you, seriously, to think about joining us as co-BanZhu now, or, sooner or later. In the future, we will have at least 3 co-BanZhus, and possibly 4, at any time, so each guy's duty will not be too heavy. Please think about this seriously. Thanks a lot, as always.www.ddhw.com


作者: constant    时间: 2005-11-2 00:50
标题: 回复:[@};-][@};-]An issue for constant to think abou

Thanks a lot for your kind invitation. But I have to say that I cannot accept it, at least not now. As you can see I am not very patient. To be a qualified moderator one needs to be much nicer than I ever could be. Also as of now I have another job. Although I did not take it very seriously, it would still be a kind of conflicts of interest if I also work here.
I am also wondering why you asked me, since there is some one who is smarter and nicer.


作者: QL    时间: 2005-11-2 00:56
标题: 回复:IBM 11月

This seems easy by induction (sorry constant), some trap I didn't see?www.ddhw.com
L = p^2(1+2L)+2p(1-p)(1+L)+(1-p)^2,
L = 1/(1-2p)


作者: constant    时间: 2005-11-2 01:01
标题: 回复:回复:IBM 11月

This is not exactly induction, but recursion. (And I love it .) I guess the trap is the expected number cannot be negative.


作者: QL    时间: 2005-11-2 01:05
标题: 回复:回复:回复:IBM 11月

I guess that means, for p>=1/2, the expected number of nodes is infinity.


作者: constant    时间: 2005-11-2 01:21
标题: Yes


作者: 乱弹    时间: 2005-11-2 02:07
标题: Yes, why not 野菜花?

  Yes, why not 野菜花?

作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-11-2 03:23
标题: 回复:Yes, why not 野菜花?


因为 Hu 斑竹知道我从来不想当斑竹,WXC是这样,华闻的脑坛和基督人生论坛也都是这样,这也是我不如你们的地方,我的奉献精神远不如你们,所以我对你们都很佩服,也心存感谢,有时也会良心发现,来加一两把柴。另外我也知道我的能力很差,  这是真话,请你们原谅!



作者: husonghu    时间: 2005-11-2 03:35
标题: You are all excellent candidates, much better ....

You are all excellent candidates, much better than me.  野菜花 is not lacking of our invitation also.
Ah, ah, I wish some day you guys all can agree to join us. --- I'm looking forward to that day's coming.
Okay, constant, just bear in mind our invitation is valid indefinitely.  Whenever you feel like accepting it, please just indicate so.


作者: husonghu    时间: 2005-11-2 07:22
标题: [:)][:)]再谈几句我自己的体会和感想。我觉得,做co-版主真的不是象菜花说得那么严重....







作者: 寒潭清    时间: 2005-11-2 08:39
标题: 就是就是,偶举双手赞成HU班所言.也支持HU班的提议[:)]


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-11-2 19:18
标题: 我明白了,乱弹是故意转移目标。constant 明明是指你嘛![:%]


我昨天没注意到 constant 的 post 里 "smart", "nice" 还有比较级,虽然我并不认为我是 "smart" "nice",但别人说说也就算了,但 constant 说 "smarter" "nicer" 绝对不是指我,我在他的题目里出的洋相也够多的了。



作者: constant    时间: 2005-11-2 20:07
标题: Both of you qualify as smarter and nicer.

但是乱弹已经是WXC的坛主了。所以还是你最合适。  When I talk about being smart, I mean over all ability, not just solving some silly math problems. Even on that you are as good as anybody.


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-11-2 20:15
标题: [:>][:>][:>]我地上挖个洞钻下去吧!


作者: 乱弹    时间: 2005-11-4 18:12
标题: 我做错你的题目也有好多次。 而且我也来得少,既不 nice 又不 smart...

  我做错你的题目也有好多次。 而且我也来得少,既不 nice 又不 smart...

作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-11-4 22:46
标题: 我怎么不记得你有做错的时候?[:O]


作者: 乱弹    时间: 2005-11-5 08:29
标题: 比如那个2N点问题,我当时还说找到了简单解法。。[:>]还有很多错解没贴出来

  比如那个2N点问题,我当时还说找到了简单解法。。 还有很多错解没贴出来

作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-11-5 19:30
标题: 没贴出来也算哪?[:))][:))][:))]


作者: constant    时间: 2005-11-7 18:11
标题: 我也有很多错解没贴出来。有时贴出来发现错了又删掉。[:>][:>]


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