
标题: Coins - ZT from WXC [打印本页]

作者: yma16    时间: 2005-4-11 02:14
标题: Coins - ZT from WXC

Here is the link.www.ddhw.com


作者: 新用户    时间: 2005-4-11 07:27
标题: 国内用户看不到wxc, 所以我转了过来(图)

如图所示,15 个美分排成一个正三角形, 有一些是正面,有些是反面。证明无论如何放,必有一个正三角形的顶点上都是正面(或反面)。


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-4-11 18:28
标题: 回复:国内用户看不到wxc, 所以我转了过来(图)

Still no solution at WXC yet. It is not very difficult, and I give it a difficulty of ++.


作者: 乱弹    时间: 2005-4-12 00:37
标题: We don't have many serious problem solvers. [:((]

  We don't have many serious problem solvers.

作者: sean9991    时间: 2005-4-12 05:46
标题: answer

use the symmetry of the problem and reduce it.  let F, T denotes the two sides of the coin.
We use the following system: (x,y) means x row, yth coin counting from the left.
WLOG,  consider T(3,2), F(4,2), F(4,3), so T(5,3).  Now we must have T(4,1) and T(4,4). So we have F(1,1).  One of (3,1), (3,3) is F.  Let's have F(3,1), so T(3,3). then F(2,2), F(5,5), T(5,1), and F(5,2).  Now, what to put on (2,2)?


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-4-12 20:28
标题: 回复:answer

I believe the original problem requires the equilateral triangle has sides parallel to the original triangle. If so, your argument needs to go a little further.


作者: sean9991    时间: 2005-4-12 21:05
标题: then we modify it in this way

Start with F(3,2), T(4,2), T(4,3), then F(4,1), F(4,4). So we have T(1,1).  One of (3,1), (3,3) is F.  Let's have F(3,1), then T(3,3).  So T(2,1), F(2,2).
Now only the last row is undetermined.
If T(5,1), then F(5,5).  How to put (5,4)?
If F(5,1), then T(5,2), How to put (5,3)?www.ddhw.com


作者: 乱弹    时间: 2005-4-12 21:44
标题: 大致如此。 WXC 有人说用计数法解决,恐怕不行。

  大致如此。 WXC 有人说用计数法解决,恐怕不行。

作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-4-13 01:35
标题: 与 sean9991 的 证 明 大 同 小 异

Prove it by contradiction
Assume there is no such triangle.
WLOG, we may assume T(3,2), F(4,2), F(4,3) (Same notation as sean9991's).
Then T(5,3) => F(4,4) => T(2,2) => F(2,1) => T(4,1)
Thus T(3,2), T(4,1), T(5,3) is a such triangle, contradiction. 


文章来源: 新用户® 于 2005-4-10 23:27:35
标题:国内用户看不到wxc, 所以我转了过来(图)

如图所示,15 个美分排成一个正三角形, 有一些是正面,有些是反面。证明无论如何放,必有一个正三角形的顶点上都是正面(或反面)。




作者: fzy    时间: 2005-4-13 02:26
标题: 回复:与 sean9991 的 证 明 大 同 小 异

Both your proof and Sean's proof still rely on a sideway equilateral triangle ((3,2),(5,3),(4,4)). This is not needed, ie we will always have an equilateral triangle of the same face with its sides parallel to the original triangle's. The proof can go this way:
Because T(3,2), we will have either F(2,1) & F(2,2) or F(2,1) & T(2,2). Then

F(2,1) & F(2,2) => T(1,1) & T(4,1) & T(4,4)

F(2,1) & T(2,2) => T(4,1) & F(3,3) => T(4,4) => F(1,1) => T(3,1) => F(5,1) => T(5,4) & T(5,5)

If sideway can be used, we do not need 15 pennies. 10, or even the 7 in the middle, can produce a contradiction. 



作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-4-13 02:50
标题: 回复:回复:与 sean9991 的 证 明 大 同 小 异

But the question doesn't require that , does it?


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-4-13 02:56
标题: No. But I think it should

  No. But I think it should

作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-4-13 04:09
标题: So the original question should be + or less

in your standard, right?
Thanks for your good proof. (I forgot to say, )


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-4-13 18:24
标题: I think it has the same, or even more difficulty,

because you need to think about side way.  The reason I think it should have the extra condition is that otherwise it does not need 15 pennies.


作者: 乱弹    时间: 2005-4-13 18:51
标题: A solution from WXC

It may look lengthy, but I guess it did not take that guy much time, because it looks so smooth. 
You guys have given very nice proofs. Many people can do it, but only a few can do it beautifully. 


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-4-14 00:48
标题: 删去我的证明,不是“大同小异”, 可能与Sean9991 的第一个证明相同!抱歉 !

Since I did not notice fzy's remark after Sean9991's 1st proof (Actually I opened, but I thought it just need be an equilateral triangle,) I even did not read his 2nd proof carefully, I found mine was a little shorter than his, so I posted. Sorry for wasting some people's time.


作者: yma16    时间: 2005-4-16 00:18

There are 15 pennies forming an equilateral triangle. Prove that it exists an equilateral triangle whose vertices have the same face. The latter triangle may have 15 coins or fewer whose sides are parallel to the big triangle. The 15 coins is arranged like the picture below:

x x
x x x
x x x x
x x x x x

Proof: We will prove it by contradiction.www.ddhw.com

Lets try to arrange the 15 coins to avoid forming a triangle with same face vertices.

There is a pattern we need to avoid. We cannot have hhh or ttt. If we had it, we would get

t t
h h h

For the big triangle, the 3 vertices cannot be the same. WLOG (without loss of generality), we can assume they are one h and 2 ts:

x x
x x x
x x x x
t x x x twww.ddhw.com

Let’s look at xx below h. They can only be tt, ht or th. Because of symmetry, ht and th are of the same situation. So, we only need to analyze tt and th.

1. tt

t t
x x x =>
x x x x
t x x x t

t t
x h x
x x x x
t h x h t

and we have a triangle with same faced vertices (3 hs). Therefore, it cannot be tt.

2. thwww.ddhw.com

t h (no hhh)
x x x =>
x x x x
t x x x t

t h
x x t =>
x x x x
t x h h t

t h
x x t
h x t h
t t h h t

Again we have a triangle with same faced vertices (3 hs).

Therefore, no matter how to arrange the coins, there must be a triangle with the same faced vertices.


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