
标题: [zt] Millions Warned To Stay Off Roads(图) [打印本页]

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-5 18:28
标题: [zt] Millions Warned To Stay Off Roads(图)


Millions Warned To Stay Off Roads As Latest Storm Spreads


February 05, 2014 9:59 AM

This man stopped to take pictures of the snow-covered trees in Manhattan's Central Park on Tuesday.

Seth Wenig/AP

From the Midwest through the Northeast and on into New England the latest winter storm is spreading misery across some of the heaviest populated states in the nation.

New York State, where snow is falling fast and some areas may see a foot or more of new accumulation before the day is done, is getting hit especially hard. How bad is it? Gov. Andrew Cuomo is urging "all New Yorkers to stay off the roads" and has announced that all traffic is banned from his state's portion of Interstate-84. That's a 72-mile stretch connecting northeastern Pennsylvania with southwestern Connecticut.

"Any cars on the road [I-84] will be ticketed," Cuomo's office says.

(Side note for those old enough to get this reference: If only Cuomo had said "The New York State Thruway's closed, man!" our day would be complete.)

But the Empire State is by no means the only place where travel warnings are out:

— Connecticut. "Storm Blankets State With Snow." 

— Maryland. "Freezing Rain Closes Schools, Knocks Out Power For About 90,000." 

— Massachusetts. "Snow Piling Up As Rough Morning Commute Underway." 

— New Jersey. "Ice Storm In Bergen County: Dangerous Roads, School Closings." (NJ.com)

— Ohio. "Slow Causing Accidents, Delays For Northeast Ohio Commuters." 

— Pennsylvania. "Speed Limits On Western Pennsylvania Highways Have Been Reduced." 

We shouldn't forget to mention that there is plenty of winter-related misery in places such asSt. LouisChicago and Oklahoma City. Also, the weather has caused air traffic delays across the nation. According to FlightAware.com, more than 2,200 flights into or out of the U.S. have been cancelled today. Another 650 or so have been delayed.

The short-term forecast from the National Weather Service:

"A storm over the Ohio Valley will move eastward out over the Western Atlantic by Wednesday evening. The system will produce heavy snow over parts of the Lower Great Lakes into New England that will slowly taper off to light snow over New England by Wednesday evening before ending Wednesday night. Pockets of rain/freezing rain will develop over parts of the Northern Mid-Atlantic ending by afternoon."

Meanwhile, there's still time to get in on the question we asked Tuesday about whether you're sick of winter.



  本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2014-2-5 10:31:57  


作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-5 18:42
标题: 回复:[zt] Millions Warned To Stay Off Roads(图)

Storm Makes Its Way Across Massachusetts

By   Updated Feb 05, 10:15 am

A snow plow operator works in front of Boston’s Lenox Hotel Wednesday morning. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)

BOSTON — A storm that could drop more than a foot of snow in some places is blanketing Massachusetts.

Up to 10 inches of snow is expected in Greater Boston by Wednesday night, with higher snowfall likely in western and northern parts of the state. Cape Cod and the Islands are expected to see smaller accumulations.

David Epstein’s Wednesday snowfall predictions, as of 6 a.m. (Click to enlarge)

“The snow will … grow increasingly heavy during the morning as warmer air starts to flow northward,” WBUR meteorologist David Epstein said in his early Wednesday forecast.

The storm prompted Gov. Deval Patrick to tell all non-essential state employees working in the executive branch to stay home. The state’s trial courts were also closed Wednesday.

Many communities including Boston, Worcester and Springfield, closed schools.

“Really if you can stay home, do so and stay off the roads,” Patrick urged travelers. “If you have to travel and you have access to public transit, use that.”

Boston’s Logan International Airport remains open, but airport officials say flights in and out are being canceled and urged travelers to check with their airlines.

The state’s utilities say they are preparing for the possibility of more power outages than in earlier storms this winter, because the snow is expected to be the wet and heavy type that weighs down power lines and tree limbs.

But National Grid spokesman Jake Navarro says the utilities are ready.

“This is a storm where we’re not expecting hugely widespread outages,” he said. “Certainly we’re not expecting any customers to be out for something like a 24-hour period or anything like that.”

With reporting by The Associated Press and the WBUR Newsroom

– Snowfall totals for the current storm:



作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-5 18:42
标题: 暴风雪,一波接着一波哈[:-K]



拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-5 18:45
标题: 班班又窝家了吧?XMJDH[:-K]


拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-5 18:46
标题: 身临其境,这回不再说let it snow 吧[:-K]

 下雪啦,停课停工,呆家里! Let it snow, let it snow 



作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-5 18:52
标题: Let it snow, let it snow!



拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-5 19:06
标题: 正在下。已经快7寸了,可能还要再下3-5寸



作者: 大猫日记    时间: 2014-2-5 19:13
标题: 这是几年一遇啊,壮观



作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-5 19:15
标题: 雪锹,雪橇准备好了吗?[:))]


拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: salmonfish    时间: 2014-2-5 19:23
标题: 让暴风雪来得“可立玛嚓”吧!但愿这是今年最后一拨。


作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-5 19:27
标题: 让暴风雪来得“可立玛嚓”吧!这个,俺听懂了。[:))]


拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-5 19:33
标题: 这场雪暴,好像说引得全美24个州发出警报[:-K]



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-5 19:34
标题: “可立玛嚓”,那个陕西相声里有这个话[:-K]



作者: salmonfish    时间: 2014-2-5 19:35
标题: 这可是“俄国高尔夫”说的![:-K] 高尔夫是个。。。[:-K][:-K][:-K]

  这可是“俄国高尔夫”说的!  高尔夫是个。。。

作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-5 19:40
标题: [:))][:))], 这个,俺也听懂了。 苗GG憨憨的,好玩呢[:-K]

   , 这个,俺也听懂了。 苗GG憨憨的,好玩呢

拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: salmonfish    时间: 2014-2-5 20:48
标题: 躲在被窝里偷偷笑---又不用去上课(班)了![:-K][:-K][:-K]


作者: 三公子    时间: 2014-2-5 21:14
标题: 匀给加州一些吧[:-K]好像今晚有雨[:)]

  匀给加州一些吧 好像今晚有雨


作者: salmonfish    时间: 2014-2-5 22:18
标题: 歇后语:小脚老太穿球鞋---???(图)

还有这张: 杨家将坐轿车---???      ----土洋结合!



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-5 22:41
标题: 俺屯学校一般在最后一刻决定是否关门,所以通常凌晨5点多电话通知,把让从梦中惊醒




作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-5 22:43
标题: 有雨了?一定是Vmm用小桶从东部、中部托运回来的雪[:-K]



作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-5 22:57
标题: 俺这会儿在南部,昨天下大雨,今天冷到只有二十几度[:((]



拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-5 22:58
标题: 不懂,请指教?



拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-5 22:59
标题: 再次XMJDH[:-K]


拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-5 23:17
标题: 这么说又把小小屯的冻雨搬回去了[:-K]




作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-6 00:39
标题: 好像是把东北的冷空气带到小小屯了[:-K]

女儿打电话说湾区很冷,问她几度,“almost below 60", 那才是no heart, no lung. 


拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: 白酒    时间: 2014-2-6 03:54
标题: 下午已经到达俺们屯了, 还在下着中.[:P]

  下午已经到达俺们屯了, 还在下着中.

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-6 04:04
标题: 俺们下了12英寸,渐熄中



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-6 04:06
标题: 5点多,正好叫起来去爬山[:-K]



作者: salmonfish    时间: 2014-2-6 04:24
标题: 今天看到一张扭腰屯华人新春花车游行的pp. 两位京剧人物,。。。

 头顶野雉翎,背插护背旗,。。。全套京剧行头,像是京剧里的“穆桂英,杨宗保”角儿,坐在黑色的敞篷RR车上, 顿时感到“湿眼”---不中不洋的穿越。想起了从宝鸡老农那儿曾听来的一句歇后语:“垃(小脚)婆穿球嗨(鞋)---土洋结合。




  本贴由[salmonfish]最后编辑于:2014-2-5 22:1:29  

作者: salmonfish    时间: 2014-2-6 04:30
标题: 不急,中西部的酷寒还在等着伺候,考验VMM呢。[:-K][:-K][@};-][@};-]


作者: salmonfish    时间: 2014-2-6 04:33
标题: 雪上加雨,再降温。明天高速上都可以滑冰了。清班又可以睡懒觉了!


作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-6 05:05
标题: 倒是没那么吓人,总是在洒盐或者沙,这种规模的雪,在经验丰富的俺屯,不造成什么后遗症的[:-K]



作者: bluemei    时间: 2014-2-6 05:27
标题: 壮观呀,看见这个梦里都会笑醒[:))]


作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-6 05:31
标题: 哎呀,该贴几张下雪照的,给您助兴[:-K]



作者: joneslik    时间: 2014-2-6 05:58
标题: 现在才晓得慢哈屯,气都哈不出来了[:-K],马杀猪晒,到底是没见晒猪肉地,那旮瘩蹲家乱炖[:-K]

  现在才晓得慢哈屯,气都哈不出来了 ,马杀猪晒,到底是没见晒猪肉地,那旮瘩蹲家乱炖

作者: joneslik    时间: 2014-2-6 06:05
标题: 果然和L美眉一路货,天天奏想着外面乱跑瞎逛,地上呆着不坑点吃的也不实沉[:-K]


作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-6 06:42
标题: 穿皮鞋呢?[:))][:))]


拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-6 06:46
标题: 俺看了下周的天气,比那会的曼哈顿还冷[:((]


拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: 游乐嬉子    时间: 2014-2-6 06:48
标题: 停工停学快乐。[@};-][@};-][:-K]



作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-6 06:53
标题: [:))]


拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-6 07:14
标题: 现在已经风平浪静,等着化雪了[:-K]



作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-6 07:16
标题: 差点看成勤工俭学了[:-K]



作者: veil    时间: 2014-2-6 07:22
标题: 不铲雪?


拜晴MM所赐, 帅

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2014-2-6 07:34
标题: 在结冰前,在天黑变冷前,都处理干净了[;)]



作者: salmonfish    时间: 2014-2-6 17:50
标题: 皮鞋? 那时在农村,能穿一双解放鞋就已经够“洋气”的了。

  皮鞋? 那时在农村,能穿一双解放鞋就已经够“洋气”的了。

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