email account based, I can vote many times --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
俺怕被拍砖 |
除非您是老板,和广大群众想得相反 --- |
我还是投票支持了 --- |
但是绝对没有文采。恳请三GG出山 --- |
多一个节假日听上去是好, 如果在美的埃及希腊赞比亚朋友们也来申诉一下, 与山姆大叔建交的180来个国家和地区的留美朋友都按平等互利的原则来倡导 一个有自己祖国或民族特色的节假日并获通过, 美国日历上的国定节假日肯定 会热闹非凡. Such petitions may be psychologically appealing to each ethnic or national group making the petition for its sake to the White House, their approval is quite unlikely unless Congress is ready to approve most if not all such petitions that may rise. It won't be fair if U.S. Congress [or the White House] grants the petition to let Chinese Lunar New Year be a national holiday but denies all similar petitions by other ethnic or national groups in the USA. Congress or the White House however may designate or declare certain date in a certain year as a cultural heritage day. It can be for a large culture such as African, Irish, or Chinese - or a historically important or influential civilization such as Native American or Mayan. 日历上若有180天是体现各国各族风情的国定节假日, 谁来上班呢? |
过年好 --- |
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