
标题: 《Mondo Bongo》-Joe strummer [打印本页]

作者: xixi...    时间: 2008-2-10 16:57
标题: 《Mondo Bongo》-Joe strummer

这是电影《史密斯夫妇》(Mr. & Mrs. Smith)中的插曲,是由朋克代表班霸乐队TheClath的创作核心JoeStrummer带来的南美摇摆拉丁曲风的《Mondo Bongo》,电影中,男女主角两人在哥伦比亚初识,在夜色下随音乐节拍轻轻摇摆,华美浪漫到极致。

Mondo Bongo是西班牙语,巨大的紫羚羊花——引申为野性难驯或者狂放不羁,也是女主叫得代名词,这就比较浪漫了。也有这么解释:Mondo Bongo是西班牙语,Mondo是巨大的意思,而Bongo是小鼓的意思,合起来指的就是“大鼓”了哈哈~~ 像是在小酒馆里,在昏暗的灯光(烛光最好)下,与君对酌一杯,别吝啬你的身体,让它随着节奏轻轻晃动吧~

 Mondo Bongo 具有浓郁拉丁风格,是一首非常棒的曲子,由已逝去的The Clash的创作核心Joe Strummer演唱。

Joe Strummer生于政治世家,很多歌曲以政治为题材,有浓烈的左派思想,



I was patrolling a Pachinko

Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone

Hanging out with insects under ducting

The C.I.A was on the phone

Well, such is life

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

The flower looks good in your hair

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

Nobody said it was fair, oh

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

The flower looks good in your hair

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

Nobody said it was fair

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

The flower looks good in your hair

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

Nobody said it was fair

For the Zapatistas I'll rob my sisters

Of all the curtain and lace

Down at the bauxite mine

You get your own uniform

Have lunchtimes off

Take a monorail to your home

Checkmate, baby

God bless us and our home

Where ever we roam

Now take us home, flaquito

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

The flower looks good in your hair

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

Nobody said it was fair

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

The flower looks good in your hair

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

Nobody said it was fair



作者: haha...    时间: 2008-2-10 17:36
标题: 与君对酌一杯,让身体随着节奏轻轻晃动吧~ [@};-][@};-][@};-][:-*][>:D<]


作者: xixi...    时间: 2008-2-10 17:49
标题: [:-*][>:D<]


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