大沙丘国家公园,在Denver以南200多英里处。查看了一下地图,决定先向西走一小段70号路,然后沿285南下。虽然路途绕得有点远, 但是山峰起伏的70号路和一马平川的285号路,沿途都是令人向往的风景地带,不容错失。 回程则走85/25号路的捷径,并可顺访 Colorado Springs 市,一堵那个“Garden of the Gods"。 View Larger Map 这一组照片,是前往大沙丘国家公园途中拍摄。 John Denver: Dancing with the Mountains 本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2010-7-16 23:32:20 |
沿着这样的乡村高速开车, 那享受, 远超一般的州际高速! 班班的远路绕得值,太值了 (俺们也沾光) 本贴由[veil]最后编辑于:2010-7-16 22:43:29 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
好图! 好曲! 请问哪大沙丘好玩吗? 好玩我也去瞧瞧。大约离我三个小时的车程。 --- |
实事求是地说,那里的货不很多,主要就是一片沙丘,并不是一眼看不到边的沙漠。地盘比 一般的国家公园小很多。三小时的话,除了这个国家公园加上看看沿途的山和平原,也还是值得一去。 不过,换个季节去吧,有点热! --- |
去过后,感觉没有想象得壮阔 --- |
劳动节不知如何? --- |
看您的PP, 很壮观啊, 是我喜欢的景色 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
“您”? --- |
好片片,好音乐!给人好心情的美帖! --- |
Everybodys got the dancin fever Everbodyd love to rock and roll Play it loud and baby play it better Funky music gotta stretch your soul Just relax and let the rhythm take you Dont you be afraid to lose control If your heart has found some empty spaces Dancins just a thing to make you whole I am one who dances with the mountains I am one who dances with the wind I am one who dances on the ocean My partners more than pieces more than friends Were you there the night they lost the lightning Were you there the day the earth stood still Did you see the famous and the fighting Did you hear the prophet tell his tale We are one when dancing with the mountains We are one when singing in the wind We are one when thinking of each other More than partners much more than pieces more than friends --- |
than pieces more than friends.Indeed! 您配搭的真棒!现在开始与您同行 |
驾一辆“车”,奔驰过雪山草地; 拎一架尼康 偷蓝天白云 - 仲夏有暇 把个闲情挥洒到极致 没开奔驰 --- |
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